Waking Thoughts: We Will Dance

Wow, I hadn’t heard that song in years and maybe only then for the very first time…and not since. You see, I was in Indianapolis for an overnight stay because a medical procedure…maybe decades ago. The therapist had invited me to her church that evening, and I heard it for the first and last (or so I thought) time.

Then at the Memorial service for our dear brother in the Lord Mike Sabin on Tuesday evening, I heard it again. And it brought joy to my soul.

But for the life of me when I returned home, I couldn’t remember the tune or the words…nothing!

Then the next morning, God in His grace again captured my waking thoughts, and the words and tune unfolded as my waking thoughts. JOY!

So I found it on youtube. Enjoy it with me, my waking thoughts in song and dance:

Sing a song of celebration, lift up a shout of praise
For the Bridegroom will come, the glorious One
And oh, we will look on His face
We'll go, to a much better place

Dance with all your might, lift up your hands and clap for joy
The time's drawing near, when He will appear
And oh, we'll stand by His side
A strong, pure, spotless bride

We will dance on the streets that are golden
The glorious bride and the great Son of Man
From every tongue and tribe and nation
Will join, in the song of the Lamb

Sing aloud for the time of rejoicing is near
The risen king, our groom, is soon to appear
The wedding feast to come is now near at hand
Lift up your voice proclaim the coming Lamb

We will dance on the streets that are golden (4X)
Glory and honor, glory and honor, glory and honor forever