A Winter Deep Freeze is Perfect for Hybernating in God's Word

Baby, it's cold outside. Sub-zero temps; ice-covered ground; more white stuff on its way? A great time to hibernate.


But it need not be cold inside ... especially inside your soul, as you bask in the warmth of God's loving truth. The Scriptures are ever old and ever new, and never out of reach. So the fire of God's Word is always accessible.

One of God's deep yet simple truths is fire in my heart, my continual life-line. It's the reality that is at the center of all else in the Christian's life on this earth. What is that truth? It's the truth of our union with Christ, the Son of God. His living Presence is in me. All of Him is in all of me and all of me is in all of Him. Would you like to know how truly stable and complete and fixed and broad is God's Presence in and through His children...you and me?


This life-changing truth is at the heart of my devotional/Bible study book, The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension. May I be so bold as to suggest this little volume as the perfect resource for your study time in what could be a long, cold winter. 

Check out what this book is all about, along with endorsements, video, table of contents, links for ordering, additional resources, etc. Here's the link on my blog page:  The With-ness of our God .

Also click here for a look at the KIRKUS Review.

With love and prayer for a warm winter in God's Word,

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