Almost a Flash mob . . . Just for Fun in the Journey



Just for fun as we close out January and some gray days in OHIO, I just have to post this — an almost “flash mob” at my very own Kroger. But by doing so, I’m departing from my “rule” that everything that I post on A Branch in the Vine MUST have a spiritual theme or application.

Well, since everything is spiritual for a child of God, I guess I’m not really “breaking my rule,” am I? So here it is, Enjoy with me, and I dare you to not at least tap your foot or hum along.

customers at kroger

customers at kroger

First posted November 2015

I was at Kroger today...along with everyone else in the Dayton area. The atmosphere was pleasant even though crowded this weekend before playing, clerks being helpful, customers focused though polite to each other. Then a song, a long one by "elevator music" standards, acapella... I had to hum and enter into the beat... And so did everyone else.  Every aisle I went down, there was a customer, a clerk, a stock person, and then another customer...all of us humming or singing the same tune...a potential flash mob!

I had to laugh...and write it down (senior moment, people! Give me grace).

So here it is...just for fun: