Lent is coming: Join me Here?

Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. As always, I will weekly be posting my series on the Last Words of Christ on the Cross. There will also be some other posts interspersed as the Spirit speaks and leads.

However, I thought I would also share about a lovely, very balanced and scriptural Lenten devotional that a young friend and I went through a couple years ago. Here is an excerpt from an email list I’m on. At the end, I’ll post a link to Amazon in case you would like to join in during the next 40 days,


From Devotionals Daily 2/14/2020:

Lent is really about thinning our lives in order to thicken our communion with God.

What if you fasted regret?

What if your friends fasted comparison?

What would be the fruit of fasting stinginess?

40 Days of Decrease is the perfect guide for those hungering to experience God's presence in a whole new way this Easter. Author Alicia Britt Chole guides you through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s realities, and journey cross-ward and beyond. Though originally written with Lent in mind, this devotional can be used any time of year!

Decrease life's unnecessary details and increase your relationship with the Lord so you can live in awe of Christ's resurrection!

"It takes a great deal of strength to choose weakness. Jesus chose voluntarily. May this season of preparation provide us the opportunity to pause and be grateful for reductions. Ultimately we are grateful for the Grand Reduction, when Jesus came from heaven to earth and from earth to the cross. But we can also be thankful for the lesser reductions, when God drafts us into deserts."

— Alicia Britt Chole

40 Days of Decrease
A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast.
List Price: $16.99

See How This Book has Impacted Readers

"I don't have enough good words to describe how this book transported me to a new level of understanding God's work of love and forgiveness and faithfulness. Each day's "fast" spurred me to a closer relationship with Jesus, as well as new meaning to how the Holy Spirit cleanses and empowers our daily lives."

-- Faith J.

"I have used it now 3 years in a row because of the depth and impact it has had on my spiritual transformation. I love the different parts of the devotion for each day - Scripture, History of Lent, Journaling, and Devotional writings. I felt the power of God's Spirit teaching and guiding me deeper in my love for Jesus."

-- Lynette S.
Through readings, refection questions, daily fasts, ancient quotes, and more, this is the dream of 40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast.

Every day offers a meaningful consideration of Jesus’ journey and then invites readers into a daily fast of heart-clutter, the stuff that sticks to our souls and weighs us down. 

Each daily entry will include:

  • a devotional based on Jesus’ cross-ward life

  • a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion

  • a "heart fast" to inspire a tangible response

  • a thought-provoking Lenten quote

  • an optional sidebar into the historical development of Lent

  • a suggested reading that takes you from John 12 to John 21

  • journaling space for reflection

Decrease—like increase—is only holy when its destination is love.  Dare to live awed by Christ's resurrection!

Purchase on Amazon 40 Days of Decrease