Sunrise, Sunset: Remembering His Faithfulness

Just as a sunset brings closure to a day, so this meditation brings closure to our “Beach Series” for another year. May you be blessed as you reflect along with us — another selection from our soon to be published book of meditations, Glory in Disguise: Seeing God in our Every Day.

He who watches over you will not slumber…nor sleep.

The Lord is your protector;
The Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not beat down on you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time and forever.
Psalm 121:4-8 NASB

Sunrise, sunset,
Sunrise, sunset,
Swiftly flow the days …

 So goes the beautiful wedding song from the movie, Fiddler on the Roof.  And so go our days, don’t they? One day follows another – sunrise, sunset.

Sunrises have always been my thing. And every morning I am at a beach, the bonus is I get to experience sunrise after sunrise over the ocean. Each one is unique and special and "speaking."

But I do remember one evening at the beach, when I unexpectedly witnessed a glorious sunset over the bay.

The way it impacted me was a surprise. My usual focus was always on the fireball sun rising in the east, signaling the beginning of the new day with its corresponding "fresh mercies.” But here I was, watching that same sun disappear into the western horizon of the bay. I was amazed!

So a new message in that same fiery ball. This time, the message was gratitude -- gratitude for the gift of the day that had unfolded, gratitude for the people I encountered, gratitude for the lessons I learned, gratitude for even the trials that tested me.  All had been matched that day with fresh morning mercies by our faithful, unchanging God.   

 And so in those final moments of my day, I remembered God's love and acceptance and faithfulness. I had lived my day in His total forgiveness in Christ. I recalled His indwelling Presence as He carried my burdens moment by moment as I depended on Him. 

And so, as has been my custom, I prayed Jesus’ final prayer from the Cross, the prayer He most likely prayed as a child at His mother’s knee. 

“Father, Into Your hands I commit my spirit. Amen.”

What about you, my friend? As you reflect on the closing of your day, do you remember God’s abiding Presence with you? Do you recognize His fresh morning mercies that were equal to the situations that you faced? If so, thank Him. If not, ask Him to reveal Himself and how He was there all the time.

Counting Our Blessings
Each day tells a story 
Of Christ’s love and care for us.

From early morning sunrise
To the evening's quiet dusk.

Then all through the dark of night
Till the sun comes up again

He gives mercies every moment
From beginning to the end.

So as we go to bed at night
Before we fall asleep

Let’s count the ways The Lord blessed us
Instead of counting sheep.
            Penny Mandeville

Father God, Creator of oceans and bays, Creator of me. I commit my spirit into Your more than capable Hands. I rest in You, grateful for the day You have given me, the people who have graced my life, the circumstances that have been ordained by You for your glory and my benefit. And I also thank you for all the “hard” – people and circumstances.  Open my eyes to see You in my every day, even in the hard things. In Jesus’ Almighty Name. Amen.


1. View a sunset right where you are. Reflect on the events of the day. How did God meet you with His mercies, His presence? Thank Him.

2. Start making a list of mercies/blessings/gifts received each day. Then keep adding to it at the close of each day.

3. Find this song on Youtube, “Where Can I Go” (GLAD). Get your tissues ready. Journal your thoughts and prayers.

4. Maybe today brought darkness to your soul. Ask Him about it. Turn your focus to the Lord by faith. Thank Him for the small things. Commit to Him the hard things. Read Psalm 139: 11-12.

Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears.7

“Sunrise, Sunset,” Fiddler on the Roof.