A New Beginning

Welcome to the newly refreshed, renewed, and reconstructed "A Branch in the Vine."

My thanks to my designer, tech specialist, and did I mention, my amazing son, Jeremy J Loyd. Well done, my precious one! You have kept me current, although more and more my inner self fights change.

Jeremy J. Loyd


So, dear friends, pray for me as I learn the inner and outer workings of this site.

Thank you for following "this branch" as I rest and abide in our Life-filled Vine. Let's continue to journey together as conduits of His pulsating Life as He produces fruit, more fruit, much fruit through us to the glory of our Father, the Vinedresser. Amen. 

I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from Me, you can do nothing.