"With-ness . . ." Turns Four

"With-ness . . ." Turns Four

Four years ago this week, this prototype arrived in the mail. My 91 year old mom had just passed into the Arms of her Savior. So as excited as I was to see this book published, it was supplanted by the grief of losing my greatest mentor and unconditionally loving friend, my darling mother.

But as the days, months, and now even years have passed by, I have grown in amazement (a long story, because of so many obstacles) and appreciation to the Lord for using my feeble words and thoughts to produce this little volume exalting The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension.

This anniversary would have passed me by had it not been for Facebook pointing out that the post containing the above photo was “Janet's most commented photo on Facebook of 2015.”

So I’m celebrating . . .

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