Walking Wobbly in this World . . . Again

Walking Wobbly in this World . . . Again

I had a major vertigo episode late last night, as I was finishing a tutoring session online. I pushed through the last few minutes. But for the rest of the evening and through this morning, I have been nauseated and wobbly and less than stable.

By God’s grace, I fell asleep last night and have been resting ever since. So now I’m revisiting where the Lord took me a little more than exactly two years ago. Why not join me as we hear what HE says about walking wobbly in this “out of kilter world.”

. . . I’m walking wobbly these days. Intermittent vertigo and bouts of mild dizziness have been mine as I go about my daily life — difficult because I never know when it will hit (two times while driving were terrifying).

So changes have been made, especially since the testing determined that a couple of small strokes (past) in the balance area of my brain are likely the cause of my symptoms. Scary but good to know and now to process.

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Waking Words for We Wobbly Ones

Waking Words for We Wobbly Ones

Dear Wobbly Friends,

Today the words that flooded my waking mind were a song. We have been singing this song at our women’s Bible study and at our Sunday worship. And lately I have been singing the chorus in the early morning darkness of my walks in our condo-complex neighborhood.

What I know is that HE truly holds us fast, dear wobbly-worthy ones . . . no matter what our “wobble” as we walk with HIM in this broken, wobbly world.

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Walking Wobbly in this World

Walking Wobbly in this World

I’m walking wobbly these days. Intermittent vertigo and bouts of mild dizziness have been mine as I go about my daily life — difficult because I never know when it will hit (two times while driving were terrifying).

So changes have been made, especially since the testing determined that a couple of small strokes (past) in the balance area of my brain are likely the cause of my symptoms. Scary but good to know and now to process.

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