Mystery of Christ in Colossians: Reading Week


Devote yourself to the...reading of Scripture...  1Timothy 4:13 Let's begin our restful study of the letter to the Colossians by reading, reading, and then reading again.

Or as my almost 4 year old grandson Carter and I would say, "Reading?...reading? about reading?"  ;)

And why should we read?  Because it's by repeated reading that we begin to get the "big picture" of what God is saying in the Bible.   We also begin to notice repeated key truths.  And most precious of all, we begin to hear the Lord speak to us through His treasured words.

As the prophet Jeremiah once said,

reading the bible
reading the bible

Your words were found and I ate them,And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart;For I have been called by Your name,O Lord God of hosts.  Jeremiah 15:16

Or as my sweet friend Penny once prayed,

LORD, Your words are so delicious!

So this week, grab a journal or notebook, your Bible (maybe different versions for each day) and start reading...  You may want to read a brief introduction in your Bible or watch the short 2 minute video below to get a little background...then just read, read, readthe book of Colossians (not books about Colossians!  Not yet, anyway!)

Write down verses that jump out, thoughts that come to you in the reading...and of course, prayers that rise up.  Write it down.  Trust me, you will forget!  So you will be glad to have recorded what God may be saying to you!

So...HAPPY, RESTFUL READING...and I'll see you later in the week :)


open bible
open bible

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16-17


Here's a link to Bible Gateway. You can read Colossians in many different versions at his site. Just enter the passage and the version you want and...voila!

For those of you who are just beginning to get comfortable with Bible reading, try the MESSAGE version: Colossians, chapter 1

Colossians, chapter 2

Colossians, chapter 3

Colossians, chapter 4