Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

Dear friends, I am so delighted to introduce to you my latest “guest branch,” my dear friend and sister in the Lord, Robin Brown.

Everyone needs a Robin in their lives. She is beautiful and fun and intelligent, but most of all, Robin loves Jesus and His Word and His people with her whole heart.

Robin and I first met many years ago in a Precept class I was leading. It was obvious that God had put the “teacher in her.” And Robin has followed her Teacher’s leading into all kinds of teaching situations, filled with His Spirit in and through her, as her.

Today Robin shares very transparently some of her very real struggles with fear and anxiety and how the Lord has met her in the midst. We will all be helped by Robin’s experience with the Lord because who of us is immune from fear and anxiety, especially in these very unusual days?

Thank you, dear Robin. We wait with open hearts to receive from the Lord through you.


It was mid-March 2019, and I had developed a skin irritation that was intensely itchy with a burning sensation.  This, of course, was made worse by clothing that constantly touched it.  Most may not give the matter much thought.  Just call the doctor and take the given prescription.  But no, not me.  I’d had this type of irritation before.  

The first time was during a bout of clinical depression which developed after the birth of my fourth child.  The irritation wasn’t an actual rash although it came with severe anxiety as I obsessed over it. Through treatment for depression and anxiety, the “rash” disappeared.  It reappeared in the same place over 7 years later without the depression, but this time it was a physical rash that triggered big-time anxiety again.   Thankfully, depression did not follow, and with medication my skin was fine.  

Now here is was again this particular Monday in March --that same horrible sensation in that same spot with that same ton of anxiety heavy on my chest! My mind ran immediately to worry then quickly to obsession: I would have no relief-- ever. I even believed that I had caused it which only increased my anxiety levels.    I imagined that this time the doctor would be stumped, or it would be a protracted treatment, at best.   

The Sunday before this, my pastor gave a message on fear & anxiety. It caught my attention and included a list of 31 Bible verses addressing fear and anxiety.  That Monday, as I poured out my heart to the Lord, I sensed Him say, “Take two, and call Me in the morning.”  Translation: read 2 anti- fear & anxiety scriptures from the pastor’s list every morning in the order given; and pray. (I added Psalm 91:1-16 to make an even 32 verses.) The Lord would take care of the rest. I was to do this for as long as I had the irritation plus the fear & anxiety.  This was His anti-fear and anxiety treatment for me.  He wanted to rid me of these debilitating enemies, and I determined to follow my Doctor’s orders.    

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I started reading 2 scriptures, prayed and journaled daily; but as I started the referral process for a dermatologist, I was hit with a fresh wave of worry: “What if I don’t get the dermatologist who treated me before?  Please, Lord, help me!”  At this point, Isaiah 41:10, one of my first “doses”, comforted me immensely:

 Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you; I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. 

The God of the universe was going to help me—simple but so profound!  I had peace as I waited for the referral which was physically tortuous. 

On Day 4 of my anti-fear and anxiety “treatment”, I read Psalm 94:19: 

When doubts fill my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer

Great timing!  I needed this truth, and I realized I was feeling hope as I waited for medical treatment.  

On Day 5, the “prescription” was Psalm 23:4: 

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. 

I discovered that a shepherd’s rod is used not only to fend off attackers, but to also inspect a sheep’s skin for diseases.  In addition, the staff was used to draw a straying sheep closer to the shepherd.  My Good Shepherd was taking care of my skin irritation, fighting off my enemies of fear & anxiety, and drawing me closer to Himself.  He was helping me!    

By Day 6 of my “treatment”, I had the referral and an appointment with my previous dermatologist within   a week’s time (not in a month’s time—my worst nightmare).  Hallelujah! The doctor identified the rash--a big relief-- and prescribed medication.    How funny, I thought, that the Lord had me on a regimen of 2 scriptures and prayer a day which   paralleled my 2 doses of medication a day for the rash. 

 As the anxiety diminished during treatment, the Lord revealed so much about Himself and me.  Here are the top 5 truths:  

  1. Fear contaminates and paralyzes me—My true self is marred and not the person who God created for His pleasure; and that prevents me from completing the works He has for me to do.  

  2. The Lord really wants me to “dump” my worries on Him so I can continue to live freely as me.  (Psalm 55:22; Mark 6:50) 

  3. Fear and anxiety are fed by grumbling.  When I complained about anything, I would feel a wave or stab of fear and anxiety.   

  4. The Lord truly treasures me as His own calling me by name. (Isaiah 43:1, 4) 

  5. His timing is impeccable; the daily “prescribed” verses would speak specifically to the fresh anxiety or fear my thoughts were running to that day.  

By the end of June, the rash was totally gone as well as the fear and anxiety.  I quickly wrote in my journal my thanksgiving to the Lord for 1) my physical healing; 2) the layers of fear He peeled away; and 3) the greater intimacy in our relationship. I still go to these anti-fear and anxiety “pills” whenever I feel a wave of fear or worry.  It’s so good to know that I can take two and call my Great Physician anytime.   

Robin’s  Chart of “Take Two” Verses

Trust in You

You did not create me to worry
You did not create me to fear
But You created me to worship daily
So I'mma leave it all right here

Help me say yeah (You did not create me to worry) no
You did not create me to fear
But You created me (but you created me to worship)
That's what you made me for, yeah (daily)
(So I'mma leave it all right here)

My hands are raised (my hands are raised because I surrender)
Your will is what's is best for me (your will is what's best for me)
Oh, I worship You (I worship you because You're Jehovah Jireh) you're Jehovah Jireh
I bow before the King of Kings

Oh, I'm saying (No more crying, no more complaining)
I believe Your word is true (I believe your word is true)
I believe your word is true, Lord
(Lord You promised never to leave…

 Chart of “Take Two” Verses