Continued PRAYER for our PEGGY who Shares Her "Journey with Jesus Poetry"

Many of you dear “PRAY-ers” responded so generously with love and prayer when I posted our sweet sister in the Lord PEGGY’s urgent need for prayer. See her story here: Urgent Prayer for a Sister

Well, Peggy, who is almost 90 years old, is still waiting for her canceled but needed surgery to replace her fractured hip. And of course, as some of you may remember, she is grieving the sudden recent home-going of her beloved Ernie.

Peggy says, “ I have no idea when or if they will schedule my surgery. I am getting so very tired at this point, I can hardly stay awake much of the day. I’m beginning to wonder if I will be strong enough if I do get the opportunity for surgery. I’ll probably try it anyway, living with this amount of pain for the last 3+ months is intolerable.”

So please, dear friends, please lift up Peggy before the Throne of Grace.

And also read and be blessed by the poetry that Peggy wrote about her journey through the years with the Lord. She didn’t know Jesus but HE KNEW PEGGY and never stopped pursuing her, no matter how many times she resisted.

Now He truly has her heart!.

Here is Peggy in her own words — the journey of her heart and life.
Thank you, dear Peggy!
And thank you, dear Jesus…
Rescue Peggy in her pain, O God!

I turned away, I turned my back
and tried to ignore His presence
I paid no attention, I tried not to look
But still, you were there in a sense.

But, I made up my mind, I made my choice
of Satan I knew no fear
I went for that free life, that selfish life,
And in Jesus’ eye was a tear.

That gentle evil pulled and teased
said you’re secure, you’re safe.
What else could you want, you’ve comfort and ease
Why would you want His grace?

Knowing it was false, knowing it was wrong
I allowed my soul to grow dimmer
Smaller and smaller that tiny light,
Now just barely a glimmer.

An emptiness was a part of my life
That day my soul went away,
I cried and sobbed as evil stood by
In his calm and soothing way.

As years went by I knew no peace
And that wicked course had been run,
I could not end my life like this
My God what have I done.

Empty and hopeless and all alone
Having turned away from Him
Something inside said do what’s right
if only one step at a time

It’s too late. I closed that door tight
He won’t want me, why bother?
But again I heard, do what is right!!
Could it be? Maybe?….. the Father?

Are you talking to me, I timidly asked?
I looked around, I was all alone
But the hope in my heart was strong and fast
He WAS with me, I should have known

Then do you know what I did?
I jumped in my car and went to a store.
I searched and found the book so revered
I needed to read those words and so many more

I opened it up and clearly heard,
“Read those words written in red.”
About Jesus who loved and died for us all
And as I read I felt so sad, I felt so small.

As time went on, my heart was calmed
The Words I read explained so much
I learned to know Jesus and found
He never left me, I was so out of touch

After some time He gave me a gift, 24 years
Of happiness and bliss with a Godly man I loved,
He was so kind so caring, it brought me to tears
Thank you Lord Jesus, I’m saved, I’m yours.
