Time to Vote!

Thank you, dear readers, for your input a few blogs ago I want to tell you the reason for my request.  I'm planning to enter some of my writing in the Writers' Digest Annual Writing Contest (spiritual, inspirational category).  I feel like this may be a door from the Lord...the info about it came to me.  I didn't seek it out.

However, because there is a fee for each entry, I thought I might ask for help narrowing down what I send in.  So here are the few blogs that seem to have surfaced as contest potential :).

If you have time and inclination, would you "vote" on the one(s) you like best?  You could rate them 1, 2, 3, ... (with 1 being the best).  Or just pick one or two.

By the way, when they are submitted, they will have been revised slightly to sound more like an article than a blog.  And I won't be able to include pictures :(

A Word of Salvation [This one will be revised as "Lost & Found"]

Embracing My Today

Choose Your Face...Change Your Day

Remembering Jesus' BIRTH-day

Walkin n Talkin...

Thanks so much, dear friends, for taking the time to read and evaluate!  I treasure your input!  Blessings!

A Request of my Dear Readers

Hi friends! It's been a year since I started writing A Branch In the Vine.   My desire has always been to honor the Lord and encourage God's people.

I have also wanted to get some of what the Lord has done in my life written down for my children and grandchildren.  [I wish my mom and my "Babci" had written down their journeys with the Lord as young moms on into their senior years.  But I digress...]

The reason for this short post is that I'd like to ask a favor.  Whether you have been a regular reader, an occasional reader, or a hit or miss reader,  would you do me the honor of letting me know if there was a particular post (or posts) in the past year that...

...impacted you in some way or...

...was enjoyable to read or...

...particularly well written or...

...just memorable for some reason.

I'm sorry I don't have any prizes to offer :(  But there is a reason that I'm asking (more about that later on).

So if you have a few moments to do this, I would be grateful!  You can leave it as a comment below, or you can email via this site:  jan@abranchinthevine.com

With gratitude and love, Jan